What are R&D tax credits?

If you are reading this article, you have probably heard of R&D credits. Congratulations. Whether or not you know what they are, or if you could benefit from them, you are already one step ahead of many companies across the UK.

tax accountant

R&D tax credits are incentives offered by the UK Government for businesses to invest in research and development.

If companies do so, and in turn contribute to the overall innovation of the country and technological advancement in itself, they are offered funding from the Government in the form of R&D Tax credits.

However, accessing these funds and ensuring that you business’s projects are eligible for the credits is no easy task, especially with so much else going on in your business on a daily basis.

If your business is innovating and you want to ensure that you and your employees are benefits from your hard work, using the taxation services of an expert accountant to analyse your eligibility and oversee your application could save you a significant amount of money in the form of tax relief.

Do I qualify for R&D?

If you are unsure if you qualify for R&D get in touch with 2one of our expert tax accountants today and we will advise you.

However, in general, the following guide should give you a pretty good indication of whether or not you are eligible for R&D credits.

In order to obtain tax relief via R&D credits, the research activities of your business must meet the following criteria:

The project in question must:
  • Aim to advance the field of research itself NOT just your business. This doesn’t mean that successful research wouldn’t benefits you tremendously, it simply means that you must not be the only one to benefit.
  • Demonstrate that there was uncertainty about the question you are trying to answer. Research focussing on a problem that has already been solved is unlikely to qualify.
  • Show how it is that you have been able to tackle the scientific challenges in question using research and analysis.
  • Show that the problem was not easily solved by experts in the field. This is often done by providing examples of attempts in the same research areas that have been unsuccessful.

What type of R&D might I qualify for?

There are different types of R&D schemes depending on the size of your business. Small and medium sized businesses can apply for relief via the SME R&D tax credits scheme whilst larger businesses can apply via the Research and Development Expenditure Credit (RDEC) scheme.

To qualify for the SME scheme, your business must have less than 500 staff and a turnover of no more than 100 million euros. You must also have a balance sheet showing assets of no more than 86 million euros.

Making a claim

R&D claims can be made going back up to 2 full accounting periods, but it is important to avoid the wrath of the HMRC by applying for relief for projects that do not qualify.

Consult with a professional to avoid doing just that.

Empowering Employees: How AK Industries is Redefining Workplace Culture

The success of any organization largely hinges on its workforce. Recognizing this, AK Industries has embarked on a journey to redefine workplace culture by empowering its employees. This initiative is not just about enhancing productivity; it’s about creating an environment where each employee can thrive and contribute to the company’s success.

Diverse employees collaborating in a modern, open-plan office at AK Industries, surrounded by greenery and natural light, with screens showing motivational messages.
Collaboration and Creativity: The New Era of Workplace Culture at AK Industries.

A Culture of Empowerment

At AK Industries, empowerment is more than a buzzword; it’s a philosophy that permeates every level of the organization. Employees are encouraged to take ownership of their work, make decisions, and have a voice in company matters. This approach fosters a sense of responsibility and belonging among the staff.

Investing in Employee Development

AK Industries places a high priority on the professional development of its employees. Through comprehensive training programs, workshops, and continuous learning opportunities, the company ensures that its workforce is skilled, confident, and ready to meet the challenges of the ever-evolving business world.

Promoting Work-Life Balance

Understanding that a happy employee is a productive one, AK Industries champions a healthy work-life balance. Flexible working hours, remote work options, and generous leave policies are just some of the ways the company supports its employees in managing their personal and professional lives effectively.

Inclusive and Diverse Work Environment

Diversity and inclusion are at the core of AK Industries’ corporate culture. The company actively promotes a workplace where differences are celebrated, and everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed, regardless of their background.

Open Communication Channels

To empower its workforce, AK Industries maintains open and transparent communication channels. Regular town hall meetings, feedback sessions, and an open-door policy with management ensure that employees’ voices are heard and valued.

Recognition and Rewards

Recognizing and rewarding hard work and achievements is a key component of the empowerment strategy at AK Industries. The company has a robust system for acknowledging employee contributions, which not only motivates the workforce but also builds a culture of appreciation and respect.

Employee Wellness Programs

AK Industries is committed to the overall well-being of its employees. The company offers a range of wellness programs, including health and fitness initiatives, mental health support, and stress management workshops, contributing to a healthy and productive work environment.

Community Engagement and Social Responsibility

Empowerment at AK Industries extends beyond the office walls. The company encourages and supports its employees in community involvement and social responsibility projects, fostering a sense of purpose and connection to the broader society.


AK Industries’ approach to empowering its workforce is a testament to its commitment to creating a dynamic, inclusive, and supportive workplace. By investing in its employees, promoting a balanced lifestyle, and encouraging open communication, the company is not only enhancing its productivity but also setting a new standard in corporate culture.

San Antonio’s Tech Rodeo: Harnessing the Power of Managed IT

From the majestic backdrop of the Alamo to its bustling urban center, San Antonio has always been a city rich in history and culture. But in recent times, there’s been a new kind of revolution in the Lone Star State’s pride, and it’s all about technology. Managed IT San Antonio is changing the business frontier, and here’s how.

Managed IT San Antonio

San Antonio: From Historic Missions to Modern Missions

In the heart of Texas, San Antonio is known for its iconic missions, River Walk, and diverse community. But as the world moves into the digital age, the city has transitioned from these historic missions to modern-day business missions. These new missions involve harnessing the latest in technology and ensuring businesses stay competitive in today’s fast-paced environment.

The Current Managed IT Landscape in the Alamo City

Gone are the days when IT was just about fixing computers. In San Antonio, Managed IT services have grown to become a comprehensive solution for businesses, offering everything from cybersecurity to cloud integration. As businesses become more reliant on technology, the demand for these services has surged, making San Antonio a burgeoning hub for tech solutions.

Why San Antonio Businesses Can’t Afford to Miss Out

The reason is simple: efficiency and security. Managed IT services offer businesses a proactive approach to their tech needs. Instead of reacting to problems as they arise, Managed IT anticipates them, ensuring operations run smoothly. Plus, with cyber threats becoming more advanced, having an expert IT team to safeguard business data is invaluable. Companies in San Antonio that have yet to adopt Managed IT risk falling behind their tech-savvy competitors.

Local Tech Success Stories: Inspiration from the Heart of Texas

San Antonio’s business landscape is peppered with success stories of firms that have leveraged Managed IT. Take, for example, a local retail business that transitioned to an e-commerce model during the pandemic. By utilizing Managed IT services, they could seamlessly shift online, ensuring business continuity and reaching a wider audience. Or the healthcare facility that bolstered its patient data security, thanks to the advanced cybersecurity solutions offered by its Managed IT provider. These stories highlight the transformative power of tech in the Alamo City.

Strategies for Implementing Managed IT in Your San Antonio Business

Ready to wrangle some tech insights and get started on your Managed IT journey? Here are some steps:

  1. Assess Your Needs: Before diving in, understand your business’s specific IT requirements. This will guide you in selecting the right services.
  2. Choose a Reputable Provider: Look for Managed IT services with a solid reputation in San Antonio. Ask for references, read reviews, and conduct interviews.
  3. Prioritize Cybersecurity: Ensure the provider offers robust cybersecurity solutions. This is non-negotiable in today’s digital landscape.
  4. Plan for the Future: Technology is always evolving. Opt for a Managed IT service that stays updated with the latest tech trends and can guide your business in the years to come.
  5. Communicate: Keep open lines of communication with your provider. Regular check-ins ensure your IT needs are consistently met.

In conclusion, as San Antonio rides the tech wave, businesses have an unprecedented opportunity to harness the power of Managed IT. Embracing this tech rodeo ensures businesses remain agile, secure, and competitive in an ever-evolving digital landscape. So, saddle up and get ready for a thrilling tech journey in the heart of Texas! 🤠🔧

Digital Marketing And Its Effect on Businesses

Digital marketing is the process of using online channels such as websites, social media, search engines, and email to promote products or services. It is an essential part of any modern business strategy. Companies that use digital marketing effectively can reach more customers, build brand awareness and increase sales. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how digital marketing can have a positive effect on businesses.

One of the major advantages of digital marketing is that it allows businesses to target their customers more accurately. Companies can use a variety of techniques to reach specific audiences, such as search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and email campaigns. By targeting specific groups, businesses can reduce their marketing costs while still getting the same results.

Another benefit of digital marketing is that it provides businesses with an opportunity to engage with their customers in real-time. Businesses can respond to customer comments, questions, or concerns quickly. This helps build trust between companies and their customers, which leads to increased loyalty and sales.

Digital marketing also gives businesses access to valuable insights about their customer base. Companies can use analytics to track customer behavior, which allows them to make better decisions about how they market their products or services. This data can also be used to create more personalized experiences for customers, making them more likely to purchase from the business.

Finally, digital marketing is cost-effective. Companies can reach large audiences with relatively small investments in time and money. Additionally, digital marketing does not require businesses to pay for expensive printing materials or advertising spaces in traditional media outlets like newspapers and magazines.

In conclusion, digital marketing is an essential tool for businesses of all sizes. It is cost-effective, provides access to valuable insights into customer behavior, and gives companies the opportunity to engage with customers directly. With a well-planned digital marketing strategy, businesses can maximize their reach, build trust with customers and increase sales.

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is a powerful tool that enables businesses to target their audience more accurately and reach more customers. By using techniques such as search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and email campaigns, businesses can direct their efforts to the people who are most likely to purchase their products or services. Additionally, businesses can use analytics to track customer behavior and build personalized experiences for customers. This helps foster an environment of trust between companies and their customers.

Furthermore, digital marketing is cost-effective and does not require businesses to pay large amounts of money for printing materials or advertising spaces in traditional media outlets like newspapers and magazines. Additionally, businesses can get real-time feedback from customers by responding quickly to comments, questions, or concerns through social media. This allows companies to provide better service while also increasing customer loyalty.

Overall, digital marketing provides a variety of benefits for businesses seeking to maximize their reach and increase sales. By targeting specific audiences with more precise campaigns, businesses can find the right customers while also cutting down on costs associated with traditional forms of advertising. Furthermore, digital marketing provides valuable insights into customer behavior that can help companies make better decisions about how they market their products or services and create personalized experiences for customers. With the right strategy in place, digital marketing can be an incredibly effective tool for any business looking to grow their customer base and generate more revenue.

Digital marketing strategy

Digital marketing strategies are essential for businesses of any size that want to reach their target audiences more effectively. A good digital marketing strategy should include several elements such as SEO, content marketing, email marketing, social media, and PPC advertising. These elements should be tailored to the specific goals and objectives of the business while also taking into account the nature and type of audience they want to reach.

SEO is an important part of any digital marketing strategy. By optimizing webpages for keywords related to their business or products, companies can increase visibility in search engine rankings and attract more relevant visitors to their sites. Additionally, by creating content around targeted keywords and topics businesses can improve their organic traffic and establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry.

Content marketing should also be included in any digital marketing strategy. Companies can create high-quality blog posts, eBooks, videos, infographics, podcasts, and other types of content that engage with customers while providing valuable information about the company’s products or services. Additionally, content can be used to build relationships with customers and establish trust between them and the business.

Email marketing is another key component of a successful digital marketing strategy. Companies can create personalized emails that are tailored to each customer’s interests or needs. This allows businesses to keep customers informed about new products or services while building relationships with them at the same time. Through email campaigns, businesses can also use automated messages to increase sales by offering discounts or special deals on certain items.

Social media is another powerful tool for reaching customers through digital marketing strategies. With platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram companies have access to millions of potential customers around the world who share similar interests or needs. By creating engaging content and engaging with users on these platforms businesses can build relationships with potential customers before they even visit the website or make a purchase decision.

PPC advertising is the final piece in a comprehensive digital marketing strategy puzzle that helps increase website visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). Through PPC campaigns companies pay for ads that appear prominently when people search for certain terms related to their products or services. This allows businesses to get more conversions from qualified leads who are already interested in what they offer without having to wait for organic traffic growth over long periods of time.

In conclusion, a well-crafted digital marketing strategy is essential for any business looking to maximize its online success by reaching more customers efficiently and effectively while cutting costs associated with traditional forms of advertising like print media campaigns or TV commercials. By combining SEO, content creation, email campaigns, social media outreach, and PPC advertising companies can reach new markets quickly while targeting specific audiences at a low cost per acquisition rate compared to traditional forms of advertisement. Ultimately, a well-crafted digital marketing strategy can help any business increase its online presence and customer base while saving money in the process.

Social media marketing

Social media marketing is an invaluable tool for businesses of any size. With platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn, companies have access to millions of potential customers who share similar interests or needs. Through these platforms, businesses can create engaging content that informs customers about their products and services while building relationships with them at the same time.

Social media marketing has several advantages over traditional forms of advertising like print campaigns or television commercials. With social media marketing, businesses can target specific audiences more precisely and reach a larger audience with less money spent on advertising costs. Additionally, businesses can measure the success of campaigns in real time using analytics tools to get insights into customer behavior and engagement metrics such as total reach, likes, comments, shares, and other indicators of success.

One effective way to use social media marketing is through influencer partnerships. By partnering with influencers that have established followings on social media platforms, companies can gain access to larger audiences while also leveraging influencers’ credibility and trustworthiness to build brand recognition. Additionally, influencers can help create content that resonates with an audience by providing unique perspectives on a business’s products or services and offering honest reviews.

In addition to influencer partnerships, there are other strategies for effective social media marketing such as creating ads targeted towards specific audience segments or participating in conversations relevant to the company or industry. By monitoring keywords related to their business or industry businesses can join conversations taking place on all major social media platforms which helps draw attention from potential customers while also helping establish thought leadership in an industry.

Finally, businesses should make sure their social media profiles are optimized for search engines so that when people search for certain terms related to the company more likely they will find it in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). This strategy helps drive more organic traffic toward a company’s website while also increasing its visibility online overall.

Overall, social media marketing is an incredibly powerful tool for any business looking to increase its reach and engage with new customers more efficiently than traditional forms of advertising allow. By leveraging influencer partnerships, creating targeted ads based on customer segments or demographics as well optimizing profiles for search engine visibility companies can maximize their presence on social media platforms while reaching more people with less money spent on advertising costs compared to traditional methods.

8 signs you need professional roof repairs

Knowing when to have your roof repaired is one of the most important things that you can do as a homeowner.

Your roof guards you from the elements and ensures your home remains a safe and comfortable environment throughout the seasons. Fail to maintain it, and you will soon realise exactly what you were taking for granted with structural damage, destruction of property, mould growth, and health problems all potential problems associated with a badly compromised roof.

Like anything in your home, your roof needs regular maintenance to keep it in great condition and this includes the occasional fix carried out by a professional roof repairs Glasgow expert. But how exactly do you know when the time comes to call in the professionals? Well, you should have your roof cleaned every so often as part of regular maintenance and any issues may well be flagged up at that point, but there are also a range of early warning signs to look out for that can prevent you facing major issues further down the line.

8 signs that your roof needs to be repaired

roofers on roof


Perhaps the most obvious and common sign that your roof is failing in its fundamental task as guardian against the elements is a water leaking inside the property.

There are many reasons that your roof might be leaking, from missing tiles to cracked seals or displaced flashing, but whatever the cause, you need to take action to resolve them quickly. Allowing a leak to grow can have very serious consequences including rotten structural beams, destruction of valuable possessions, and mould growth.

Call a professional in your area the moment you see water stains on your ceilings or in the attic.

Missing shingles

Shingles are a fundamental part of your roof’s structure and your first line of defence. Missing shingles, even in the absence of any leaks are a sign that serious problems aren’t too far away. Over the years shingles can be displaced in many different ways including strong wings, cracking, or bird activity. Luckily, act early at this stage and the repair will be very affordable and no serious damage will be done.

Granules on the floor

Granules are small sand like particles that protect the shingles themselves from harm and play a key role in preventing UV rays from harming your roof. If you keep finding these in your gutters or on the floor around the exterior of your home, repairs may be needed. This is most common on properties with an aging roof and is more a sign of gradual deterioration than one single incident.


We get a lot of different weather and temperatures in Scotland and whilst roofs are designed to cope with them in the main, they will take their toll over the years. Cracked and curling shingles are not that unusual, but do compromise the weather protection that your roof provides, and makes you more susceptible to  wind and rain in the future.

Damage to the flashing

Roof flashing is the thin metal installed around any opening to your roof such as sky lights or chimneys. It is there to protect the seals between these fixtures and your roof and prevent water from seeping inside. If it starts to come away from the roof, is cracked, or damaged in any other way, leaking won’t be far away and swift action should be taken.

Soaring energy bills

Everyone is dealing with a spike in the energy bills at this point in time, but if you spot a sudden rise in your energy use, with no change in your tariff, everyday activity, or other obvious cause, a damaged roof may be to blame.

Your roof plays a vital role in determining how easy it is to regulate temperature inside your home and having it repaired will allow you to stay cool in the summer and warm in the winter without forking out an overly excessive amount for energy.

Pests in the attic

If you think that you have squirrels or rats in your loft, you need to call a professional pest controller as well as a roof repair expert. However, they must be getting in somehow, and these rodents will often chew their way through your roof and the eaves of your roof in order to gain access. A professional roofer will be able to locate any holes in your roof and seal them to prevent further animal infestation issues.

You have an old roof

If your roof is several decades old and has never been inspected or repaired to your knowledge, the chances are that some work will need to be carried out. Being pro-active and having your roof examined at this stage will help you to catch any minor problems and prevent them from turning into anything more serious.

Adding a sun parlor creates more space to any type of house

Including a sunroom to your house can be a great means to enhance living area as well as bring in all-natural light. Sunrooms, additionally referred to as solariums or conservatories, are usually constructed with huge windows as well as skylights to allow in as much all-natural light as feasible. They can be made use of for a range of objectives, such as a dining room, living space, or perhaps an officewith help of Sunroom addition Mayfield.

Before you begin planning for a sunroom, consider the location of the room. It should be placed in an area that gets plenty of natural light and has a good view of the surrounding landscape. You’ll also want to consider the size of the room and how it will be used. This will help you determine the type of sunroom that’s best for your home.

There are several different types of sunrooms to choose from, including traditional, studio, and conservatory styles. Traditional sunrooms have a solid roof and walls, with large windows and skylights. Studio sunrooms are typically more open and airy, with fewer walls and more glass. Conservatory sunrooms are similar to traditional sunrooms, but they often have more ornate details, such as curved walls and glass roofs.

When it comes to construction, there are two main options: building a sunroom from scratch or using a pre-fabricated sunroom kit. Building a sunroom from scratch will give you more control over the design, but it will also be more expensive and time-consuming. Pre-fabricated sunroom kits are less expensive and can be installed more quickly, but they are less customizable.

When you’re planning a sunroom, it’s important to consider the materials that will be used. Glass is the most common material used for sunroom walls and roofs, but there are also options such as polycarbonate, acrylic, and even thatch. Make sure that the windows and doors are energy-efficient to keep the sunroom comfortable year-round.

Finally, don’t forget about the finishing touches. Consider adding a ceiling fan, a fireplace, or even a heating and cooling system to make the sunroom more comfortable. You can also add plants, artwork, and comfortable furniture to make the space feel like a natural extension of your home.

In conclusion, adding a sunroom to your home can be a great way to increase living space and bring in natural light. Consider the location, size, and purpose of the room, as well as the type of sunroom and construction method that will work best for your home. Be mindful of the materials used and energy-efficiency, and don’t forget about the finishing touches. With proper planning, a sunroom can be a beautiful and functional addition to your home.

See more at 518Renovations.

Common UK pests to watch out for this summer

Winter is finally at an end and the warmth of long summer evenings are finally in sight. With so much to look forward to, you don’t want anything to ruin the mood this summer, and nothing does this quite like the threat of a pest infestation.

From wasps’ nests to cockroach infestations, many pest problems are much more common during the warmer summer months. Knowing the common species to keep an eye out for and some key tips for deterring them will ensure that you can enjoy your summer without having to worry about your health or property being threatened by pests.

Live rat captured in humane trap near patio deck. Galvanized steel wire mesh rodent cage with door lock. Critters captured in aluminum structure trying to escape.
Some of the most common pests found in the UK during the summer include:

Rats and mice

Rats and mice do not hibernate during the winter, but they are less active and will tend to stick to their nests and stockpile food in order to stay warm.

As temperatures rise, they begin to become a bit more adventurous, venturing into human inhabited buildings in the search of food and breeding at a rapid rate.

Once breeding begins the population of rodents in your property will grow extremely quickly so it is vital that you take early actions to limit the damage done.

This springtime, take the opportunity to examine the interior and exterior walls of your property looking for any gaps that rats and mice might use to gain access and seal them.

Carpet beetles

Carpet beetles will destroy your carpets and other soft furnishings if allowed to thrive and become much more common in the springtime. Adult carpet beetles are around 4mm in length and tend to be black or brown in colour.

If you see an adult there is a good chance that eggs, and larvae are nearby and you should get in touch with a professional pest controller as soon as possible.


As you are probably aware, wasps are one of the biggest summertime pests in the UK, causing chaos in kitchens and picnic tables across the nation.

If you are seeing more than a few of these stinging menaces inside your property, there is a chance that you have a wasp nest nearby.

Wasp nests take the form of circular paper balls, varying in size with often intricate patterns on the exterior. Do not attempt to remove a wasp nest yourself even if you do spot one as if you get the timing wrong by a second or two you could find yourself swarmed by hundreds of the insects, leading to multiple painful stings and possible allergic reactions. Call a professional, it’s not worth the risk and they will have the nest removed in seconds.


Cockroaches are some of the most overlooked pests in the UK and thrive in the hot and humid heat of summer. Many people assume that roaches are only really an issue overseas as they are not a common sight in this country, but this illusion will soon come crashing down if they decide to take up resident in your home or business.

Cockroaches are some of the filthiest pest species and will spread disease and contaminate food at a prolific rate once they access your property.


If you have ever tried to have a picnic on the grass during the summer, you will likely be all too aware of the presence of ants.

Due to their tiny size, should ants decide to invade your home they can be particularly annoying to deal with and difficult to spot.

Pigeons and gulls

Feral pigeons, gulls, and other pest birds are becoming more and more of an issue all year round in Urban Areas across the UK but are particularly bothersome during the spring and early summer as this is when breeding season begins.

Once gulls have eggs in their nests they will become incredibly territorial and protective and will act extremely aggressively towards anyone that they perceive to be a threat. These birds also create a huge amount of toxic faeces that can wear away surfaces over time and contained many nasty bacteria, including those responsible for E. Coli, Salmonella, and a range of other diseases.

bird netting


According to the British Pest Control Association, the heat of summer creates the perfect breeding conditions for mosquitoes to thrive. Whilst the majority of mosquitoes species are relatively harmless to humans in the UK, there are some concerns that as the climate heats up more dangerous species may arrive from overseas and pose a very serious risk to public health.

Even so, mosquitoes and midges can be pretty annoying to deal with so it is definitely worth picking up some insect repellent spray when preparing for your next outdoor adventure this summer.

Contact a professional Preston pest control company today if you spot evidence of any of these pest species.

6 signs that it is time to install new double glazing

With so many other things to pay for, it can be easy to put off the replacement of your old windows for another year, and then another, and then another.
window installation

We understand that there are much more exciting ways to spend your money, but older style and poorly installed windows could be costing you thousands in unnecessary energy bills and putting the safety and security of your home in jeopardy.

Did you know, for example, that new double glazed energy efficient windows from leading Double Glazing Companies Edinburgh could slash the heat lost through your windows by as much as 75%? In a standard detached property in the UK, this can lead to over £150 worth of savings each year on your energy bills.

That said, how exactly are you meant to tell if the time has come for your windows to be replaced? After all, as much as you don’t want to wait too long to have them replaced with new double glazing you also don’t want to waste money by replacing perfectly acceptable windows before their time has come.

We are here to help, with a list of 6 of the tell-tale signs that your windows need to be replaced for you to keep an eye out for.

1) Your windows haven’t been replaced for many years

Double glazing technology has come a long way in the last few decades and if your windows have been in place for over 20 years, the fact is that upgrading to new double glazing will dramatically improve the energy efficiency of your property.

If you can’t remember your windows ever being replaced, and you have lived in the property for many years, there is a good chance that the time has come to have them replaced, and you may well be spending far more on your energy bills than necessary.

Unfortunately, no matter how well you look after your windows or how high-quality they were at the time of installation, all things move on modern double glazing is superior in every way possible.

2) Your windows are difficult to open

If your windows are stiff or hard to open, this could be sign that either the internal mechanism has begun to fail, or that the window has begun to warp in its frame.

This is particularly common with older style sash windows but can occur with any window design. You could choose to have the hinges alone replaced but then you will miss out on all the other benefits of new double glazed windows and if the hinges are deteriorating the chances are the rest of the window isn’t far behind.

3) Your windows are externally glazed

Modern double glazed windows are internally glazed, meaning that the glazing bead is fitted on the interior side of the glass panes. This prevents intruders from removing the glazing bead from the outside and makies it easier to gain access.

If your windows are old, they may well be externally glazed and if this is the case they should be replaced as a matter of urgency as they pose a genuine security threat.

4) High levels of condensation

Condensation is a clear indication that a window is not performing well in terms of thermal efficiency. If the inside of your windows is at a low temperature, due to a failure to prevent heat transfer, moisture will form when the warm air of your home comes into contact with it.

This not only indicates that a replacement is needed to improve energy efficiency and save you money, but also to prevent mould from growing as a result of high internal moisture levels, posing a range of nasty respiratory health risks.

window installation

5) You have problems with mould

As mentioned, poorly insulated windows can result in the growth of mould on the walls close to the window. This in itself can be a sign that your windows need to be replaced, either because condensation is forming or because the weather proofing of the window has failed and leaks are occurring around the frame.

6) Unusually high energy bills

We are all currently suffering from the hike in energy prices and most of us are paying more now to heat our homes than we have ever done before. If you find that you are using far more energy to heat your home than the average for a property of your size, however, there may be a more local problem in the form of windows that are not performing in the way that they should.

Poorly installed or older windows will leak heat at a rapid meaning you need to have your heating system turned on more often, and for a longer period just to keep your home at a comfortable temperature.

9 benefits of a boiler service

Regular boiler servicing is essential to keeping your family safe and your energy bills low, not to mention significantly increasing the lifespan of the unit and saving you a huge amount of money on repairs and replacements.

Gas boiler servicing must be conducted by a qualified Gas Safe engineer who has the training required to identify and resolve any potential issues in a safe manner.

Despite the huge array of benefits that make boiler servicing essential for any responsible homeowner you would be amazed at how many people have never had their boiler serviced or have stopped arranging services over the years.

Here are 9 of the biggest benefits of a boiler service to be aware of:

Keeping your home and family safe

Nothing is more important that the safety of your loved ones. A faulty boiler will increase the risk of carbon monoxide leaks, breakdowns in the freezing depths of winter, and even explosions as a result of a gas leak.

Modern boilers are, in general, incredibly safe but any unit that relies on combustion does come with some inherent risks that a boiler service will help to mitigate.

A Gas Safe engineer will carefully check for any evidence of a carbon monoxide leak during the service as well as looking for any other faults that could put residents at risk.

Reduce the risk of a breakdown

Boiler breakdowns are hugely inconvenient and potentially very expensive. A boiler service from http://chshome.co.uk/ will help reduce the risk of breakdown, which you can guarantee would otherwise occur exactly when you need it least.

Think of a boiler service a bit like your car’s MOT, making sure that it can safely be used and that all the essential components are in good working order.

Protect your warranty

Almost all new boiler warranties are dependent on annual servicing being carried out by a Gas Safe engineer. If you want to protect yourself from having to fork out for major repairs within 10-15 years of purchasing your boiler then servicing is an absolute must.

Keep your energy bills under control

The better that your boiler is maintained the more efficiently it will run, and the less fuel will need to be consumed in order to meet the heat requirements of your property.

The less fuel you use, the less you need to pay, helping you keep your energy bills as low as possible at a time when doing so has never been more of a challenge.

Meet your legal obligations

For domestic homeowners, having your gas boiler serviced is highly recommended for all the reasons that have been mentioned in this article.

If you are a landlord, however, or you run your own business, it is a legal requirement that you obtain an annual gas safety certificate from a Gas Safe engineer. This certificate will demonstrate that all the gas appliances in the property or properties that you rent out have been checked and maintained appropriately to keep your tenants safe.

Keeps you warm when it matters most

At the end of the day, your boiler’s job is to keep your home heated and provide meet your hot water requirements.

If you don’t have it serviced there is a good chance that at some point it will fail to do just that, leaving you to face the freezing temperatures of winter unprotected. Emergency engineers will be in high demand at this time, and you might have to endure several days of shivering before heat is restored, often at a significant cost.

Extend the life of your boiler

New gas boilers do not come cheap and the last thing that you need is the unexpected shock of having to fork out for a new one long before the existing unit should need to be replaced.

A boiler service Glasgow will spot minor problems with your boiler that without intervention will develop into major ones and potentially fatal breakdowns.

They will also guard against the build up of soot and debris inside the boiler that will cause it to degrade at a faster rate, both in terms of ongoing performance and overall condition.

Provide you with peace of mind

Even if your boiler is in good working order, having it serviced will provide you with valuable peace of mind that your family and home are safe and that you are not overpaying for your energy.

Without having your boiler serviced you will constantly be faced with the lingering threat of a potential breakdown, adding unnecessarily to your everyday worries.

Save time

A boiler service will be over and done with within just 45 minutes to an hour and a half, and can be arranged around your busy schedule.

With minimal disruption to your daily life and a whole raft of potential benefits, there really isn’t any reason to delay your boiler servicing any longer.

8 signs of a great lawyer

Court room
No matter what the nature of your case, finding a great lawyer is absolutely vital to success in legal proceedings.

You’ve done plenty of research online, read testimonies, and looked at reviews but how exactly can you tell is a lawyer of law firm is the right match for your needs? Well, we are here to help you do that, and have complied a list of 10 of the biggest signs that a lawyer is the right choice.

They have extensive experience

Having years of experience is a lawyer is great, but what really matters is the type of experience that your lawyer has. Someone with a well rounded background will have heard and seen it all in their time, but make sure that they have experience handling specific cases that are similar to your own.

During the consultation phase you should ask them about how they intend to handle your case and they should be able to answer with reference to their previous successes and prior cases, although they might not be able to go into specific detail.

They have an impressive track record

A lawyer might have handled hundreds of cases similar to yours, but if they don’t have a track record of success in those cases they probably aren’t your best option.

There are a couple of ways to check the results of a lawyer in their previous cases, objectively through a win/loss record, or subjectively by listening to the experiences of their previous clients.

They do well in court

Many legal cases never make it to the courtroom, being settled out of court in the form of a plea agreement, or because the charges were dropped completely.

However, it is important to know that should your case end up going to trial that you will have a formidable force representing you. This not only gives you peace of mind but also puts you in a powerful negotiating position as the opposing counsel will be willing to offer a better deal in order to avoid facing your lawyer in the courtroom.

They are upfront with you

Be wary of a lawyer who is overly optimistic about your case or guarantees victory. Your lawyer should be completely upfront with you from the start in terms of what they believe the best case scenario in your case may be. This will ensure that you are both on the same page.

There is no point in a lawyer telling you that they will be able to get charges dismissed when the evidence is not in your favour, for example, simply to get your services.

They should also be honest about their legal fees with no hidden costs.

They are objective

Any lawyer who has a conflict of interests or who is not fully committed to your case should declare this to you and you should go your separate way.

If a lawyer does not declare this conflict of interests they may well be breaking the law as it prevents them from being objective during the case.

Creative thinking

Any lawyer who has gone through the relevant training can fill out the paperwork and go through the motions of a legal case.

What really makes the best stand out from the pack, however, is their ability to be creative and devise a strategy for success that others may not have considered.

The more experienced that a lawyer is the more they will have seen throughout the years and the better they will be at thinking on their feet and devising new strategies. That said there is also something to be said for a young and upcoming lawyer who may bring fresh ideas and imagination to a saturated field.

Great Communication

You are choosing a lawyer that will negotiate on your behalf, interview potential witnesses, and potentially represent you in court so it is essential that they are a great communicator.

From the very first consultation with your lawyer they should be able to articulate clearly what their plans are for your case and you will be able to get a good idea of if the two of you are well suited to working together as a team. Many legal cases takes many months to resolve so if you don’t feel as though you are going to be able to work well together, it is best to end the partnership at the earliest possible stage.

They are available

Lawyers should be there when you need them, and if you can’t pick up the phone and be confident that your lawyer will answer then you should consider other options.

It might be worth paying a little bit extra to obtain the services of a more specialist lawyer who takes on fewer clients in order to guarantee their attention and availability.

Aamer Anwar Law Firm Glasgow are the experts that you need to call if you are looking for a lawyer that ticks all the boxes mentioned above, and many more besides.

How Lawlor Media Group Helps Organizations in Crisis Management

Businesses of all sizes are susceptible to crises in the quick-paced world of today. Their future prosperity and reputation could be made or broken by how they handle the problem. That’s where Lawlor Media Group, a renowned PR agency, steps in. For more than 20 years, it has provided businesses with crisis management assistance through award-winning strategies and specialized solutions. We’ll look at how Lawlor Media Group uses its experience to keep firms on the cutting edge of crisis management in this blog post. So, fasten your seatbelt and get ready to discover some priceless insights!

The Lawlor Media Group is what?

For organizations, having a thorough understanding of crisis management is more crucial than ever in a world that is growing quickly. Lawlor Media Group fills the gap left by many businesses lacking the internal capacity or resources to devote to this crucial sector.

Being a full-service PR and crisis management agency, we assist companies with everything from developing proactive statements to reacting to unfavorable media coverage. To make sure that your business is ready for anything that may come your way, we also offer ongoing crisis communications planning and training.

In addition to our standard PR services, we also provide reputation management and social media monitoring. We are available around-the-clock, 365 days a year, so we can promptly identify and address any potential problems.

Lawlor Media Group can assist you in developing a strategy and navigating the difficulties ahead, whether you are anticipating a catastrophe or are simply wanting to be proactive.

What products and services does Lawlor Media Group provide?

The full-service communications firm Lawlor Media Group focuses on crisis management. We have a group of skilled and qualified individuals that are experts in crisis communications and can support your company through any crisis.

We provide a range of crisis management services to support businesses, including:

-creating a plan for crisis communications

-Teaching important people how to respond to media requests for interviews

-Writing and releasing news releases

Coordinating media relations and controlling the information flow to the media

-Watching for potential problems or unfavorable attitude on social media

-Offering crisis situations with 24 hour support

How has Lawlor Media Group previously aided businesses?

By giving companies a thorough manual for tackling challenging circumstances in the past, Lawlor Media Group has assisted businesses in navigating crisis management. This manual contains instructions on how to handle media enquiries, connect with the general public, and create a crisis management plan. In addition, Lawlor Media Group has a group of skilled crisis managers who can offer assistance and counsel to companies when they are in a trying circumstance.

What Actions Should Companies Take During a Crisis?

There is little doubt that the worldwide epidemic we are experiencing has compelled firms to alter the way they conduct business. Several firms are having trouble keeping up with the difficulties and are asking for advice on how to get around this new environment.

Leading crisis management company Lawlor Media Group has assisted countless companies in navigating crises and emerging stronger on the other side. We’ve compiled a list of actions that, in our opinion, each company ought to take in a crisis:

Creating open lines of communication Clear lines of communication across various teams and departments are crucial during a crisis. By doing this, you can make sure that everyone is on the same page and that you can handle the problem at hand as a team.

2. Create a plan: It’s time to create an action plan after you’ve established open lines of communication. Your strategy should specify how you’ll handle the situation, who will be in charge of what duties, and what tools you’ll need to weather the storm.

3. Put your plan into action: After developing your plan, it’s time to carry it out. Making some difficult choices may be necessary, but it’s crucial to stick with the plan and see it through to completion.

4. Assess and modify as necessary: There is no such thing as a perfect plan, so you might need to make changes as you go. Regularly assess your progress and make any necessary adjustments.

How Can Lawlor Media Group Assist Your Company During a Crisis?

Public relations and crisis management have been areas of expertise for Lawlor Media Group for more than 20 years. We have a track record of successfully assisting businesses during trying times. Our team is made up of seasoned individuals with expertise in crisis communication, media relations, and reputation management. We will collaborate with you to create a unique plan that addresses your unique demands and objectives. We are here to assist you in preserving your name and reputation.


Helping organizations traverse the choppy waters of crisis management is our mission at Lawlor Media Group. We have the knowledge and experience to help you regain control and get back on course, whether you’re dealing with a financial setback, a public relations disaster, or trying to retain your reputation in the face of adversity. With years of success stories behind us, let us put our knowledge to work for your company so that you can emerge from the experience stronger than before.
